sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

An International Art Festival in the Azores - The New York Times

Sao Miguel, one of the nine Azorean islands that huddle in the Atlantic, has long attracted visitors with its pastoral setting dotted with cows, waterfalls and volcanoes. But Ponta Delgada, the capital, is transforming into a center for the avant-garde with Walk & Talk, an annual international public art festival.

Held since 2011, the two-week event – the 2014 edition will run July 18 to Aug. 3 – brings an almost party-like atmosphere to the city streets.

This year, the celebrated street artist Alexandre Farto and emerging Madrid-based architect-designer Marlon de Azambuja will join 68 others from nine countries to create everything from murals and video, light and architectural installations, to poetry and dance performances in public spaces.

Set in an abandoned building next to Theater Micaelense, the Azores’ principal theater, the Gallery is the festival’s central gathering spot, hosting activities that include Azorean-directed films; a tile painting workshop led by the Portuguese designer Mafalda Fernandes; and a three-hour master class with Juliao Sarmento, one of Portugal’s most notable contemporary artists. (Only the workshops and master classes come with a fee, around $27.) The space encourages interaction among artists, visitors and locals.

With map and app in hand, visitors can wander the city center, inspecting the current art projects as well as the 100 past installations decorating houses, the seaport, city walls and factory facades. (Guided tours in English and Portuguese are also available.) Most works are within walking distance but visitors can board minibuses for sights farther afield.

For more information:www.facebook.com/pages/WalkTalk/208225599200737?fref=ts).
The New York Times

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